Out with the Old, In with the New!

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

It's a beautiful evening, Stars are shining down on the people celebrating. There is music in the air, everyone is waiting for the clock to strike 12 and for a new year to finally start. The crowd is silently waiting for the chimes of the clock to announce the beginning of a new year, far with it, there comes new hopes, dreams and the musings of a new start for everything that went wrong in the year bygone.

We always seem to attach so much with the start of a new thing, right? Because a start promises a clean slate, a fresh beginning, a completely different road with ever-changing landscapes. But, in all the talk of the new, where does the old come? why do we forget everything that went down in the past? Is it not important? Does that hold no value? Is it because of the memories we attached to it, good and bad, or the things it reminds us of?

Have you ever wondered why some songs evoke such deep emotions in you? why you'd keep playing one on a loop or why you'd stop listening to one? it's strange how memories play such strange tricks on us even when we try everything in our power not to remember them.

When we look at the peaceful face of a child sleeping, why do we keep staring at that picture of innocence, tucking our hands in, letting out a deep sigh of contentment? Are we, perhaps, wishing we could go back to a time when we were as carefree as them? clueless about the things around us and the big world?

Aren't we all clueless still?

Because where we think that our past holds nothing but the sharp pricks of unpleasant memories, we forget that it gave us reasons to be hopeful of the future. We use time to punctuate our continuous stream of memories and everday life, but it will slowly seem to dissipate and become irrelevant.

Yes, maybe that time was not yours to shine. It was filled with difficulties, peppered with obstacles, mile high trails and slivers of sunshine in between, but that is no reason for you to despair and lose hope. It's possible that you were stumbling through everyday, hoping to just get on until you could finally get somewhere, take stock and maybe try again, before it got too late. Yes, it was morose and gloomy, but believe me it gets better. But, before you begin anticipating the new once again, I want you to halt for the tiniest bit, and ponder, not about what is to come, but about what went by. There are only so many chances for you to reminisce before you forget.

Think about all the people you've stringed along with you everyday for the last year, people who started out as just another familiar face, but ended up being much more than that. Thank the ones who've managed to cling on to you for as long as the have, could be a year, could be several. It's easy to forget, in the everyday hum of life, that you have so many people attached to you in so many ways, but here you are, and so are they, and you're the luckiest person in the universe to be able to say that.

Ponder about all the people who walked out of your life. For one reason or another, not everyone stays. Some people weren't intended to be a part of your story for more than the time they spent in it. they were just temporary characters woven throughout your story. they had their reason to come, and their reason to leave, but they made you a better person in the time they had. Thank them for the times you had with them and wish them well.

Now that you've made your peace with the past, welcome what is to come with open arms, knowing that it is new and exciting, but also remembering that you have your yesterday to thank for all of it. It's going to be along year with so much to look forward to and see, don't forget to write all down somewhere in the back of your mind. Don't forget to emphasize and express wherever necessary. They say that a pen is mightier than a sword, that words are the greatest treasure we possess. But, more often than not, it is the weapon we use to sully beauty. words cut deeper than a knife. But tell me, do you ever wonder what their absence does?

This coming year, don't look too far ahead, but don't look back too far behind either. Instead, take small yet steady strides from wherever you stand, keeping in mind that you have the duty to become the best you  can be, and help others in their journey to be the best too. Use your words to bring colors to the lives of others,

I hope that the next year is everthing you've wished for.


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