" Real friends don't get offended when you insult them. They smile and call you something even more offensive."
I still remember the day I met each one of you. I may not remember the particulars, but you shine bright in all the memories. Some of you have known me for a decade now, some a little less than that and some lesser still. I might not seem like I appreciate you, but believe me, I'm glad that you're a part of my life every single day.
Some of you are my best friends. Thank you for tolerating me through my bad patches and making me happy on the gloomiest days. I want to thank you for putting up with me and my most random habits. it is a pleasure being with you and I thank God everyday for the chance to get to know you. I know I was drawn to you because you were fun, smart, hilarious, intelligent, kind or just generally awesome. I can be myself around you and share my quirks and my secrets with you. You know me for who I am and I love it when you don't judge me for that. you keep me going and I'm grateful for that.
Some of you are people I know through someone or I met during one of my many days as a human being. I can tell you that it is a real joy knowing you and knowing that we are building a connection to last a lifetime. I can safely say that I see this friendship going the distance. You've managed to keep my attention for so long and I'm sure I can prove myself in the future.
Some of you are people I've yet to meet and know. you don't know what makes me tick and what makes me cry. We may or may not know each other yet, but I want to say something to you about me. I'm fiercely protective of my friends. I consider them to be my sounding board without any judgements. I consider myself to be somewhat loyal. I know that it can take me time to open up to you and I might not seem trusting at the first moment, but this is just for sometime. When things go wrong, I might shut down, but you just need to give me some time and space, and everything will be back to normal. I'm also an amazing listener. I can listen to just about anything you have to say and I almost always give sane advice. I'm the cheapest therapist you could ever have, and I know how to bake! You'll never know what will happen, when I'm around. If you think we could be great friends, just ask!
With that, let me just leave saying," Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest, It's about who came and never left your side."
Your Friend
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